Monday, January 31, 2011

Re - Dedication

On January 6th of this year I started a journey. I did not know where I was going or how I was gonna get there. I just knew I had to go. I didn't do it because my Church was doing it. I didn't even do it because my Girlfriend (Julie) was doing it. I did it because I felt led to take this journey. It was very helpful and it did make things easier. Being encouraged by Julie and my Christian brothers and sisters made the way allot more bearable as well. Knowing we were all taking a Journey of faith alone but walking with others made all the difference in the world.

As my ankle began to heal it became time to start getting ready to start training. Yep, that is right Tri-Season is just around the corner. I have to admit I cannot wait to get out and start running, biking and swimming. I have already started to doing some base work. I have been doing some swimming and cycling on my trainer at home. I have even been doing some short runs trying to get ready  to start my Tri - season training plan. I have done the research and I now have a plan. Now I just have to re-dedicate myself to training. To making the time to do all the work, and to start focusing on what it takes for me to compete at a level that I desire to compete at. I for some reason love the battle of competition. I love the victory and despise ( OK, maybe hate is a better word), but in the end it is in defeat that I learn and find my biggest form of motivation. So on February 7th I will start my Triathlon training.

Just like in my Tri life my spiritual life I need times where I can regroup and get focused. That is what the Journey was all about. On January 6th I along with my Church (Elevate Church, in Morton, IL) we began a Daniel fast. Without allot of details it basically is a diet of fruits, nuts and vegetables and drink only water. No sugars, no caffeine, no artificial additives. Let me tell you I did allot of google searching and to find recipes to be creative and have a variety of foods. I thought this would be easy. I was so wrong. I had to do allot of praying and trusting God to carry me on.

This Journey was not for waste. I learned allot about myself and what I could do on very little. The most amazing thing about this Journey was that God lead me to re-dedicate myself. You see at one time God had called me to preach His Word. I was on my way and then one day I just left. I just packed up and went my own way. I decided that God was not important. As I journeyed through my life without God, I made several mistakes. I got involved with the wrong people and wrong things, but God delivered me out of that wrong path. When He brought me to Elevate Church a little over a year ago. Over the past year God has lead me to do some amazing things and meet some amazing people along the way.

So while on this fast God spoke to me again. I am not going to tell you it was an audible voice, but it was a leading kind of like the time He asked me to volunteer to do sound. I just knew what He was leading me to do. I would love to explain it but I cannot. When I know, I just know. So when I was running sound at a Praise Service, I just knew what I had to do. I wish I could say this was my ideal, but it was not. I had read this on another Blog and when I read it. I knew it was what I was suppose to do. What I did was I signed a contract with God. I made a contract with God to do whatever it is that He wants me to do, when He wants me to do it. I put them in points of commitments and used Scriptures to back up each point. I then initialed it and then I signed it on the bottom and had a Pastor Friend and her husband whom I respect very much sign it as witnesses.

I have really learned allot from my Journey. God taught me even more. I finally know what God wants from me. Just like with Abraham when he took his son Issac to the mountain top to sacrifice. God wanted to know that Abraham loved Him more than anything. When God saw that Abraham loved God enough to offer his son as a sacrifice. Then God provided a lamb to take Issac's place.(Gen. 22) That is what God wants from us. To love Him with our whole heart, with all our soul, and with all our might. (Duet. 6:5). So in making my contract or what the Bible calls a covenant with God it was my way of saying. I am done! Done  with running! Done doing things my way! My ways were not working for me and I needed Gods help in my life. I now know that I am going in the right direction and that  He will lead my path as I Stare at Lines. (Prov. 3:5&6)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Heart Rate Running

Before I rolled my ankle. I was following a running program called Heart-Rate Running. This is also known as Zone 2 training.  Based on the Zoladaz system with a max heart rate of 180  my heart rate at zone 2  is 135-145bpm (beats per minute). Here is the link to find out your heart rate zones . Zone 2 give your body a better chance to heal and recover (at my age I need all the help I can get). It also allows you to build your Heart muscle and allow it to operate more efficiently. So as you train you will be able to run faster longer. Which if your planning on doing a run longer than a 10k then this plan just might be what your looking for in a running training plan.

As I am preparing to return to running I was thinking about my Zone 2 running plan. It made me wonder what is my Spiritual Heart rate. If my heart-rate is to high I might just burn out. If my heart-rate is to low I just might not be doing enough. I would love for my Heart-rate to be in zone 2. Then I know I will be in it for the long haul. You see allot of times we either fall into one of these 2 categories. To much to fast for so long and we fade away. We get tired and then we get board and then we just want to take a break, but the break  becomes a vacation to a permanent vacation. While on the other side we go so slow and we do just enough that we boarder on being a Christian Atheist. I've talked about this before. A Christian Atheist  is someone who know and believes there is a God but lives as if he does not exist. I want my Christian walk to be a gentle run and as I progress. My heart-rate would decrease so I could run faster to make my heart-rate climb, so I can do this all over again. The Christian walk is a marathon not a sprint. So we should live out lives like we are training for a marathon.

So let me be reminded of what Paul said in Philippians 4:6-7 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known unto God. (7) and the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your heart and minds through Christ Jesus. So as I continue in my journey in life. I must always protect and build my heart for God. By Staring at Lines.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Learning to Swim

2 years  ago when I started this crazy life as a Triathlete I thought it would be nice to reacquaint my self with the pool. I used to swim when I was a kid and well thought I would just jump right back into it. So armed with goggles I started to a local pool. The pool was populated with Senior women. As I made a feeble attempt to swim some laps, I found out real quickly that I was not doing allot of things right. At the end of my session an old lady asked me what I was doing. I told her that I was there to train for a triathlon, and she then replied, "you don't get much swimming done, do you?" To which I was shocked, and then she said,"your never gonna make it." As she walked away I thought to myself, I just got dissed by an old lady. As I was leaving the pool, I ran into the old but wise lady again. I thought oh no here comes round 2. She looked at me and said, "just remember your basic swimming lessons, breathe in with your mouth and out your nose." and then she walked away. She was right my 1st pool session was a total disaster

As I thought about this encounter all the way home. After I got home I started thinking about what she said about swimming lessons. I then started to do some research on freestyle swimming. I watched UTUBE videos and searched out lesson plans on I started to do the plans and practice what I watched on the videos. I ran into that same mature woman again. After I completed my workout. She walked up to me and said, " I see someone learned how to swim". That I did. I, I did the research, I did the work and I found success in completing what I started to do.  That was 2 years ago. I now can swim  a mile in just a little over 30 min. Last time I tried I did it in 32 min. I have completed 10 triathlons.What I am trying to say is, I did not let someone stop me from achieving my goals.

I have thought about this very situation this week. We as Christians have struggles and problems but how many times do we go the Scriptures and seek God's advice to what we are going through. I  wonder how many times I tried to solve my problems without God's help? How many times I tried to just fake it til the next day. Or just try to find a way to forget the problem just exists. I sometimes forget that the Bible has many purpose's. God word convicts us Neh.8:9, God's word corrects Ps.17:4 & 1Jn. 1:9, God's word confirms Jn. 8:31, and God's word equips Prov. 22:2. With so many purposes you would think that I realize that it is the best hand book on Life. God gave us His word, and His Spirit. How can I fail? These are the truths that I need to lean on. So as I continue this journey of life. Please follow me as I Stare at Lines!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Pre- Season Preparations.

As my physical therapy progresses very well it is time to think about Training and Racing. I am very excited about the prospects of another great season. I look forward to the battle of competition as well as glorifying my Saviour as well. I look forward to a great year as a triathlete and as a Christian. What a year 2010 was and I will be hard to top last year. The awesome Journey I took last year was beyond belief. My Tri- season and my spiritual walk was Amazing to say the least. God has truly blessed me. With that being said I have thought allot about preparation.

While it may be true I have sat down a little and considered what I should do as far as training. I have considered how I want to train for the North Carolina Triple T. I have considered how I will train for Tri-Shark, but my focus right now is not fully on Triathlon Training. Don't get me wrong I am excited to be training full tilt in just a few weeks. I cannot wait to be running, cycling and swimming with the heart of a Champion (in my mind) once again. Although now it will be for the Glory of God. In how I race and how I carry myself in front of my teammates T3 and my fellow competitors as well. I am just a little more focused on my walk with Christ.

Our Church is going through a series based on the book Sun Stand Still by Steven Furtick. I love this book and it has changed the way I look and  actually pray. It is based on the story of Joshua in the book of Joshua in the Bible. It focuses on the story of how Joshua asked God to make the Sun Stand Still for an entire day + another day. So that the Children of Israel could defeat the Amorites. (Joshua 10) Now while it may be true that Joshua had audacious Faith to ask God to stop the sun, what I think we miss is how he got to the point to have this audacious faith.  You See Joshua was in Egypt when Moses took the Children of Israel out of Egypt. He was with Moses when he parted the Red Sea, ate the manna from heaven, drank water from a rock.  What am I saying is that God prepared him for the task at hand. He became 2nd in command to Moses and led the children of Israel into the promise land. He learned from Moses. He saw the miracles and the curses. He saw the victories and the losses. But most of all he sat outside of the promise land for 40 years waiting for the time to lead the Children of Israel into the promise land. I think I can safely say that Joshua was fully trained for the task at hand. He knew he could come to God and take God at his word and claim boldly the Promise of  God. God had prepared Joshua for the task he had for him.

Jesus also did this with His Apostles in Matthew chapter 10. Before Jesus sent them out to Preach the Kingdom of God is at hand. Even before He sent them out to heal the sick and cast out demons. Jesus sat them down and gave them some instructions. (Mk. 6:8-13, Lk.9:1-11) He gave them the purpose of what they were to do. How they were to do it. With what resources to do it with. What to do with those who rejected them and how to respond to those who despise and seek to harm them. Finally He told them the reward for such service. Once again if God has a task for you He will make sure you are prepared to do it. Even if you don't think you are. If He leads, you are ready to do it.

While I enter this new phase of my life. I find myself saying, "God I know your hand is on me, and I see your blessings. I just want to know what You have for me and why are You leading me the way  You are? I want to know my task and what it is that I am suppose to do for you? What is my Sun Stand Still moment? When will I be ready?" I guess like me you will have to wait and see what the answers to all of my questions and hopefully more on my up coming triathlon season. While we prepare for our triathlon seasons and our faith walk lets remember to do it while we Stare At Lines.

Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year Evaluations.

As I start 2011 it is time for me to start getting ready for another Triathlon season. So I will announce that the WyldTri season will end with a Team Effort race called the North Carolina Triple T. Now for the rest of my season I am not sure what is next. Due to my ankle injury I am not sure how close I should plan. I know I would like to defend 2 Age-Group wins I had last year Petersburg,IL (April) and Canton,IL (August). Also I would love to do TriShark, Hudson,IL. as this is another race that has eluded me as well. I would also like to do a Race in Quincy,IL called Tri for Jesus. (I just like the name of the race). I also want to do a 1/2 Ironman or 1/2 Marathon as well.

So with that in mind I have broken out my calculator and evaluated my (2010) season in my age-group event by event. I took each race and found my percentage of finish in each event for my age-group. then gave it a value. Then I took all of  my race events added the value then divided them by the number of events I did which was 6 this year. Then compared all my averages to see which events need the most work. This year I was pretty even across the board. except for my transitions were just a tad low. So I will continue to work on my run again this year as I did last year. I really noticed when I worked on my run my cycling times came down as well. So I now have a plan and a goal  now all I have to do is find my races.

As I was doing this I began thinking about my walk with God. I wondered if I had to give values on some of the different aspects of the Christian life how would I measure up? What would I need to work on? What is it that I am lacking in my walk with Jesus? Although I will never measure up to God's standards which is why Jesus died for my sins. I think we can safely say that there are things we can and should do for the Glory of God. I know all the basics I need to pray more, read more, and tell others about Jesus more, but is there more to this Christian Journey thing that I am not seeing? Is there something that he wants me to do? Or is there something I am doing and I just don't know it yet? I guess what I am trying to say is, Yes, I need to pray, read and do more for Him. I just think what I really need to work on is seeking Him. Like the wise men who sought to find "Jesus King of the Jew" I really need and want to seek Him. I want to find His perfect will for my life. I want to know what he wants me to do and not just think I know.

So as I seek to find my stride in my triathlon life. I also have a larger purpose in life to know what God has for me. I am excited an scared all at the same time. I know that what ever it is, it will be life changing. So if you at least a bit curious then continue to follow me as I Stare at Lines.