Monday, October 25, 2010

Focus, Focus, Focus

But the ship was now in the midst of the sea, tossed with the waves: for the wind was contrary. And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea. And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit: and they cried out of fear. But  straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer: it is I; be not afraid. And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water. And He said, Come. And when peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus. But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me. And immediately Jesus stretched forth His hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt? And when they were come into the ship, the wind ceased.  Mt. 15:24-32 (KJV)

At times even as athletes, we tend to loose focus from time to time. Just like Peter we see the waves of adversities and we allow other things to take away our focus. We use excuses like an pain of a previous injury, heat , nutrition, or I just wasn't feeling it. Sometimes we use personal issues to keep us from training. These issues will do alot to distract you and make you loose your focus. This is exactly what happened to me in early July.

The Tremont Triathlon was such a highpoint of my year so far. After the race I boarded a plane for Florida for a nice week long vacation in Sunny Florida. Since this was suppose to be a vacation I should have taken the week off to heal. I did do a sprint triathlon and also did the run course 2 additional times as well. I did not do this. I instead ran during the week thinking I was keeping my fitness up. What did happen was it allowed my inner thigh injury to flair up leaving me with 2 weeks left and having to use the elliptical, and training indoors. With the injury and just returning from vacation left me with little desire to train. I had to force myself to train for those last 2 weeks, and it was like pulling teeth. I fought myself tooth and nail everyday to get up and go. I tried everything to get focused. Still no focus!!!

My last resort was prayer. I hate the sound of this, but it is true. I now think and believe that God should be my first option not my last resort. I must say if Tremont was the beginning of God starting to really work on my life then The Evergreen Classic was the first lesson. As I went to God in prayer, and begged Him for his help. I knew there was no way I could do this on my own. The Monday before the race after praying I felt God's peace and that He would in fact be with me. My focus was rough at best but I knew that the Lord would have my back.

On the day of the race the water was to warm for a wet suit. This was OK because I had an open water swim plan. As our wave was getting staged in the water. I had decided to start on the outside front. my thinking was I am a good swimmer at best and did not want to get caught up in the fight this year, but just before the start there was a snake in our staging area. I am terrified of snakes. some brave soul did catch the snake and threw it out of the swim area. The whistle blows and we were off. the swim went well. out of the water into transition and off on the bike.  I am still doing well. As I get out on the bike I feel really comfortable and rode really well. I just knew I was gonna have a great run. Into the transition and off on the run. My run was starting out good but not great. My inner thigh started to hurt and the heat was heating up.  I got to about 2.3 miles into the run and I just could not go, and I started to walk and run. It was at this point I was starting to loose focus and was getting frustrated. The heat was pushing the 90 degrees. I did see  some of my fellow age-groupers pass me. It was during this point I really wanted to quit but something told me to just keep going. My focus was all but gone now. I was so upset with myself and I really wanted to quit. Despite all of my desire to quit I kept pushing on. I think if it had been a loop I would have quit. I then just told myself the sooner I do this the sooner I can pack up and go home. Down the stretch I saw my Girlfriend (Julie) and my fellow teammates cheering me on.

Finally I was done and I consumed 2 bottles of water and grabbed a third one to drink. I then went to pack my gear. I was done and I knew it. As I was packing my gear, Julie asked me how I felt and I told her how my thigh was hurting. after I pack up I went to my car and placed my gear in the car. Julie convinced me to just go see how I did and get something eat. Food at a Triathlon is sometimes the best part of the race. As I went to see the results, I was amazed to find out that I placed 5th in my age-group and qualified for Nationals. For my efforts I received a cow bell trophy and a t-shirt that said, "I qualified for the USAT Nationals".

As I had said earlier, I had prayed about this race and felt like God had my back and he did. Despite loosing my focus. I had looked at the the waves of pain, I felt the waves of heat,and I felt the wave of exhaustion. I fell in the Sea of Pity. Despite it all God pulled me out of the waters of self pity. he put me on a Rock (Jesus) and delivered me from the storm. When God says, "He has your back".You just have to believe it to be so.

We as Christians know that the Lord will never leave us or forsake us. He feeds us in the presence of our enemies.  God is Faithful. Like in this race God was with me despite the stormy waves. He is with us on our walk with Him. I will at times see the waves of adversity. We will go through waves of temptations. Be bounced around in the storms of self pity, but God wants us to be stead fast on Him. I need to remember to keep my eyes on Jesus and not on the waves around me. So as we continue in my Journey of Life, please follow along with me as I try to stay focused. By Staring at Lines.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Being a blessing and getting blessed instead.

As I have stated in a past blog (9-27-10) that my Triathlon Journey through life is changing.I believe the change started around the time of the Tremont Triathlon. I believe this due to 2 changes in my life at this time. The first is; I was mentoring 2 more people in various phases in their Triathlon Journey, and the other thing is I started running the sound board at the church I attend. Up to this point I still believed that hard work, good results equaled God's blessings. Although I was giving God the credit for my success, now in hind sight I am starting to see the much bigger picture.

I met Joe around April of 2010. Joe is a big guy at about 6ft and 300+lbs. He had a goal as well, he wanted to do his 1st Triathlon in under 2 hours. He also joined Tremont Team T3, which is the Tri team that I belong to. Joe would log his workouts on Beginner and we all watched with amazement as he worked really hard toward his goal of doing his first triathlon. I started to notice a pattern in his workouts. He was progressing well in the swim and on the bike, but due to his size his run was a struggle. So I offered my help on his running and found him a couch to 5k plan, this helped increase his running. So now Joe was armed with a running plan and access to me via the world wide web. Joe was back on track for his goal of under 2 hours for a sprint triathlon.

I met Amanda at 5 Points Gym. I was introduced to her by Sonny. (the guy from my post on 10-04-2010) Amanda also was wanting to do a Triathlon. Her goal was to do a triathlon and not finish looking like she was dying. Amanda was a runner who was training for a 1/2 marathon when I met her. I told her to do her 1/2 marathon and then come talk to me. She was in constant contact via e-mail letting me know where she was at in her running quest. So after her 1/2 marathon (which she finished strong I may add) we agreed to meet and discuss a training plan. What was so surprising about Amanda was that she is proud to be a Christian. Although she was confidant in her faith she lacked confidence in herself. I would  have to remind her she could do this. I also reminded her that if she put her faith in God, He would carry her though her quest. She was a good swimmer and a good runner so we just had to work on her cycling. so we set up a plan. We would meet once a week to train. We would swim or run most times. We would talk about Jesus and what He was doing in our lives. So with her plan in place we were moving toward her goal as well.

On race day we developed a plan so that I could run with Amanda and Joe. First we all set up our transitions within the same area. Then based on our swim times (this race was a pool swim) I would be starting considerably ahead of them that I could do my race then meet up with Amanda first and run with her. Then run with Joe last. So immediately after I finished my race I went back to the transition area and waited for Amanda. Then out we went, Amanda and I. Now it was my job to keep Amanda focused. I talked to her about her swim and her bike ride. I also discussed how she was feeling and reminded her that she was about 30 minutes away from her goal.   We discussed how proud I was of her and that her daughter would be very proud of her finishing. As we rounded the corner, I told her this is your moment enjoy it and make your kid proud. As she finished my heart flooded with emotions I never felt so proud  of Amanda. So after a congratulation hug and, "I am proud of you" off I went to find Joe.

As I went out to find Joe I found out he had already went out on the run. I had to make a slight short cut to find him. when I found him I greeted him with, "did you really think I would not be here?" We laughed and went on with our run/walk. Joe had a stopwatch on and he kept me posted on the time. My job was simple keep Joe motivated and running with out him killing myself. Joe and I would run 1 pole to the next pole then walk 2 poles. The pressure was on and time was running down. I had run the course twice already so I had a good ideal where we were and how much time we needed.  We kept the flow going and we were close. again when Joe and I rounded the corner I told Joe this is your moment give it all you got. Joe took off and well the rest is history. Joe reached his goal of 1:59:39. Just under two hours just as he planned.

What a day at the Tremont Triathlon. I had the honor to help 2 people finish and reach their goals of becoming triathletes. As for me well I finished 7th overall and 2nd in my age-group. My results alone were worth getting excited about, but I walked the journey with two people. I thought they would be so over joyed and I found myself feeling like I stole the Joy. I was so overjoyed and happy to be a part of their quest. I have a 2nd place Trophy but the real rewards are the joy on the faces of 2 people who met their goals and they will be stored in the trophy case of my heart.

In hindsight I have thought about Tremont and also my Service for the Lord as well. I am amazed how that a living God does not need me, but He wants to use me to do His work. I think it is awesome that no matter how hard I try to be a blessing. To try to out bless God. It seems like the flood gate of blessings come back. The rewards are more satisfying than all the hard work you put into it. To see the faces of Joe and Amanda after they finished their goals was just priceless. To hear all the thank-yous and the joy in the voices is something I  cannot explain. The same goes when I run the sound in church. To be the person who is in charge of making sure that the sounds they hear can make or break someones worship experience. To hear the voices lifted singing praises to God. Once again to have that feeling knowing that God is using me to Praise the Living God.  Nothing is more satisfying than knowing that God can use me for His Glory. No words of praise, or trophies can replace the feeling I get when I see and hear the voices of God's children singing the praises of God.

So as always continue to follow me as we travel through life, Staring at Lines.

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Power of the Wind

The Sullivan Triathlon is known for its windy race conditions. The winds have been so bad that they  changed there logo to a cloud blowing severe winds on a group of cyclist. This was the location of the 2nd race of the WyldTri 2010 Season. While preparing for the race (the Sullivan Triathlon) I read several race reports and they all had one common thread. Great race but that wind is brutal.  This year was no exception the winds were up to 20mph with 30mph gusts. It was so bad that the rain felt like sleet hitting my face. 

The wind does not bother me all that much anymore. There was a day that I would get so angry with the wind. Even to the point I would get so angry that I would yell at the wind. Just try and picture this crazy guy on his bicycle yelling at the wind. I can remember saying, are you ever gonna stop. Can I get just one easy day. I know as I write this I am finding this kinda comical in hindsight. I was so frustrated that I asked my friend and fellow triathlete Chris, "how do you cut through the wind like you do?" He then suggested that I re-route my bike rides so that when I am on my way back, the wind is at my back. I then asked why do you do it that way and he replied, "so when I am riding into the wind I just think about the reward of turning around and have the wind blowing on my back." I did do this for a while and it did work, but now I just ride my route and deal with it as it comes. Besides I agree with Chris on this, the wind only makes you stronger.

The Christian life is like this as well. When the winds of trials and tribulations come, it is God's way of making us stronger. You don't become a bodybuilder or even a triathlete without working out. It does not come over night, but by hard work. Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. (James. 1:3) God allows the winds to come and the storms to build, but hang on the rewards come at the end. Knowing that when we come out of that wind we will be a stronger person from it. Just like me riding in the wind makes me a better, faster, and stronger cyclist so does God's trials in our lives makes us a better Christian. I can look back at my Christian life and I see my victories and my failures but how it has changed me is what makes me who I am. Now I don't think so much about where I am going with my journey of faith, but more of where I have been. To see the Great work God has created in me. The lessons I have learned and the failures, and rewards have taught me even more than I could imagine. 

So as you ride in to the figurative storms of life and the winds are blowing all around us. You might be only going 10mph. Even though you feel like that crazy cyclist riding in the wind yelling or asking God, "When will this all end"?  Sometimes it gets so unbearable you just don't think you can make it. Hold on because the turn around is coming and so will the reward.  Now we feel like the Disciples in the boat with the storm around them, but we rely on the Lord. We ask God to deliver us from this storm.(Mt. 8:23-27) Now we stand fast waiting for Jesus to deliver us, and calm the storm. Then we hit the turn around and  it is time to go. Now the storm is gone and the wind is at your back. Look now your going 15,16,17,18 and now your pushing 20mph. the wind at your back and the breeze in your face. You feel like your flying and Superman has nothing on you. I know the feeling when those days that I am journeying through life and the wind is blowing right at me, and then other days when I feel like Jesus is literally carrying me. I doesn't get any better that this.

So keep hanging in there and I hope you are enjoying my journey through life as a Christan Triathlete as we Stare at Lines.

Monday, October 4, 2010

A Father, Son Moment

The 2010 WyldTri Season started out this year with me returning to the place of my 1st Triathlon. It was the 2009 Pioneer Sprint Triathlon in Pettersburg,IL. Last year as a newbie I was just looking to finish my 1st triathlon, but managed to do a 1:08. for a top 20 and a 2nd place Age-group finish. So heading into my 2nd season I had only 3 goals for this race. First was to set a new Personal Record (PR). To beat the guy that beat me by :58 seconds last year and to beat last years champion in the 45-49 age-group (since I moved up in age-group this year). I am glad to report to you I was successful in all 3 goals. I finished with a time of 1:04.1 for a 9th overall finish and 1st place finish in the 45-49 age-group, and was able to beat the guy who beat me last year as well.

What was really cool though was that I had a father/son moment with my friend Sonny. A father/son moment is when your child participates in an activity, and in the middle of the activity the child stops what they are doing and starts waving. While the activity continues to play around them. It was at this race that I had this kinda moment with Sonny. He is a Personal Trainer at the gym I train at. I met him through a friend who also trains for triathlons as well. Sonny was looking to train people for triathlons but had never done one. He wanted my help in finishing his first triathlon. We discussed various races and the dates of these races. It was decided the he would do the Pioneer Sprint Triathlon.

(This is me running left, Sonny below)
We got together and set-up a training plan. I helped him come up with a swimming plan and then advised him to use the RPM (spin) class through the winter months since he had no trainer for his bicycle. he had a good run base so I left his run up to him to do. He followed the plan loosely at best. Sometimes life just gets in the way, and Sonny has 4 children to deal with. Sonny just seemed to struggle to get the workouts done. With 2 weeks before the race Sonny made the comment that he had not even taken the child seat off his bike yet. So I went out and borrowed a friends Cannondale for him to use. Then with a week left we met so we could go through my transitions drill, so he could be prepared for the transitions. Sonny felt he was ready.

We headed out that morning to our race destination, in Pettersburg,IL. When we arrived I walked Sonny through registration/check-in. Then off to set up the transition. We then did a walk through of the swim to the bike, and the run. So now he was ready to do his first triathlon. It was now time for the race meeting. After the meeting I turned to Sonny and said, "Have fun and enjoy it because your never gonna forget it."

I went to my starting area and I was off. I didn't see Sonny out on the bike course, but I did see him out on the run. I was heading in from the run and Sonny was going out. I yelled at him a couple of times, but he did not hear me (he had his ipod on). As I reached the top of the hill I heard Sonny yelling,"Ric, Ric, Go Ric". After I had finished I greeted some of my triathlon teammates in as I waited for Sonny to come in. Then here comes Sonny around the corner, and he was all smiles. He looked up and saw me and just like a child waving at his parents Sonny was yelling, "Ric, did you see me? I saw you out on the run. Did you see me?"  He was about 100 yards from the finish and I said, "your almost done, just go Sonny Go!!! After he finished he asked me."so how did I do?" I said, "you finished." Then he replied, "I know that but how did I do?" I responded,"you did just fine Sonny, Good Job. I am so proud of you dude!"

I have thought about this moment a few times and just laughed. As of late though I have found myself having these same moments. When I am doing a long swim or a long bike ride, find myself saying, "OK, Lord it is me again. I have this problem", or I will say something like, "Lord, thanks for such a nice day." Also when I am mixing the sound at church and I get frustrated I will stop and say, "Lord, I cant do this. I need help." Even when it is going well I will say, "Thanks Lord for just helping me." I Guess lately I find myself having these moments and I think about Sonny finishing. Maybe like a child I just want my Heavenly Father to see me waving at Him. I just hope that when I cross that final finish line of life I can say," Father how did I do?"

So please continue to follow with me on my Journey through life, while we Stare at Lines.