The 2010 WyldTri Season started out this year with me returning to the place of my 1st Triathlon. It was the 2009 Pioneer Sprint Triathlon in Pettersburg,IL. Last year as a newbie I was just looking to finish my 1st triathlon, but managed to do a 1:08. for a top 20 and a 2nd place Age-group finish. So heading into my 2nd season I had only 3 goals for this race. First was to set a new Personal Record (PR). To beat the guy that beat me by :58 seconds last year and to beat last years champion in the 45-49 age-group (since I moved up in age-group this year). I am glad to report to you I was successful in all 3 goals. I finished with a time of 1:04.1 for a 9th overall finish and 1st place finish in the 45-49 age-group, and was able to beat the guy who beat me last year as well.
What was really cool though was that I had a father/son moment with my friend Sonny. A father/son moment is when your child participates in an activity, and in the middle of the activity the child stops what they are doing and starts waving. While the activity continues to play around them. It was at this race that I had this kinda moment with Sonny. He is a Personal Trainer at the gym I train at. I met him through a friend who also trains for triathlons as well. Sonny was looking to train people for triathlons but had never done one. He wanted my help in finishing his first triathlon. We discussed various races and the dates of these races. It was decided the he would do the Pioneer Sprint Triathlon.
(This is me running left, Sonny below)
We got together and set-up a training plan. I helped him come up with a swimming plan and then advised him to use the RPM (spin) class through the winter months since he had no trainer for his bicycle. he had a good run base so I left his run up to him to do. He followed the plan loosely at best. Sometimes life just gets in the way, and Sonny has 4 children to deal with. Sonny just seemed to struggle to get the workouts done. With 2 weeks before the race Sonny made the comment that he had not even taken the child seat off his bike yet. So I went out and borrowed a friends Cannondale for him to use. Then with a week left we met so we could go through my transitions drill, so he could be prepared for the transitions. Sonny felt he was ready.
We headed out that morning to our race destination, in Pettersburg,IL. When we arrived I walked Sonny through registration/check-in. Then off to set up the transition. We then did a walk through of the swim to the bike, and the run. So now he was ready to do his first triathlon. It was now time for the race meeting. After the meeting I turned to Sonny and said, "Have fun and enjoy it because your never gonna forget it."
I went to my starting area and I was off. I didn't see Sonny out on the bike course, but I did see him out on the run. I was heading in from the run and Sonny was going out. I yelled at him a couple of times, but he did not hear me (he had his ipod on). As I reached the top of the hill I heard Sonny yelling,"Ric, Ric, Go Ric". After I had finished I greeted some of my triathlon teammates in as I waited for Sonny to come in. Then here comes Sonny around the corner, and he was all smiles. He looked up and saw me and just like a child waving at his parents Sonny was yelling, "Ric, did you see me? I saw you out on the run. Did you see me?" He was about 100 yards from the finish and I said, "your almost done, just go Sonny Go!!! After he finished he asked me."so how did I do?" I said, "you finished." Then he replied, "I know that but how did I do?" I responded,"you did just fine Sonny, Good Job. I am so proud of you dude!"
So please continue to follow with me on my Journey through life, while we Stare at Lines.
Thats awesome brother. I love the perspective and the way it all seems to relate. The last paragraph really hit home about how we all want those that mean most to us to be there celebrating moments like finishing a tri. It was so cool when I headed out on the run to give my dad a high five. Until now I never really thought about how this all plays into the end game.