Monday, November 29, 2010

Treasures on Earth vs. Heaven

This was a very good triathlon season. I placed really well and received several awards this year. At the same time my youngest son asked to move back in with me from California. Which caused me to have to move all my awards out of the extra bedroom. It was during this period of time I was faced with trying to find a place to put all these awards. I had worked very hard this year and my hard work had paid off. I had made a plan, evaluated my previous season and worked on my weakness. In the end I had ran 6 triathlons and received 6 awards.  Not bad for a second triathlon season. 

I have been trying to see things how Jesus would have me to look at things.  What I mean is that I want to try and see things from a more heavenly position. I want to see things from Gods view point. (Isa. 55:6-9)  So I was hanging up my rewards from my labors of training and healthy living. One of the teachings of Jesus came to me. Jesus said, "Lay not up yourselves treasures upon the earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasures is, there will your heart be also".(Matt.6:19-21KJV) So with this thought in my mind and while hanging my dust catching objects on my wall. I started to think about what I am doing and how I should be viewing my service for God.

I have really worked really hard this year on becoming a better triathlete. I really focused on my weakness. For this last season I determined to boost my running. I did a run focus off season training while most of my friends focused on their cycling skills.  What I did find that while I focused on my running, my cycling came up as well. I think that was due to my increasing endurance. I also studied the races I was planning for the season and researched those results as well. This I did so I could know what to shoot for as far as times and paces. So as you can see I put alot of work into having a successful season, and I received my rewards.

You know just as hard as I work on my triathlon skills, I really need to work on my servant skills. Jesus said, "to lay up our treasures in heaven." You know most times we read these verses and we automatically think of money but rewards come in various ways as well. Jesus talked about prayer (in Matt 6:5-6) and referred to the hypocrite's prayer as his reward because of what the people who heard him pray thought. If we do anything for Jesus we must do it with the right attitude. If we give, serve, or anything we do in the name of Jesus and we seek mans praise we did it for the wrong reasons and our reward is just that mans praise. I know that when I do the sound for the Church that I attend. Sometimes people will come to me and say good job. While I sometimes get the occasional good job today Ric. I always think to myself oh no you just blew it. I feel like my reward is slipping from heaven. I do like to hear the occasional good job but what I really want is to hear is Jesus say, "Ric good job in serving Me."  That is the reward I seek. I want God's  praise not mans praise. When I give I really do not like getting letters or any type of thank you for my support. Again I know this sounds silly but just hear me out. I don't give because some man or preacher says I should. I give to Honor God with all he gives me. I do not want man to say thank you. I desire for God to say Thank you.

I want to say that while I have these desires does not mean that I am super spiritual. I do fail, even in this area of my life. Trust me I do have pride Issues. I love hearing I do a good job. I love when people say I am good at something. It makes me feel like I belong somewhere. While I do struggle with this issue. I also want to put things in their proper place. It is my desire that I put my earthly endeavors and my heavenly endeavors in there proper place. I want and will always love hearing how good I did in a Triathlon. While I know it is God who gives me the strength and the health to do these things I do get my rewards on earth. Likewise when I serve and do what I do for Jesus I do not what the praise from man. What I desire is for God to be glorified and His praise. (Romans 11:33-36)

So as I continue to walk through this life as a Christian triathlete I will always have the Bible as my guide, and as I follow those silly lines in training. It is my prayer that you will follow me as I continue to, Stare at Lines.

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