Monday, December 6, 2010

Praise or Blame? Steve Johnson and Me.

Okay, I know this is a blog about my triathlon life and my Christian life, but I have been questioning myself about an issue. Since I am injured and am not training I have been focusing on my spiritual life a little more right now. So with that in mind here is my little rant. Normally I do not really care what over paid professional athletes think or say. I really think that most of them do it for the attention so they can sell their jerseys or the latest shoes they are being paid to wear. But Steven Johnson's actions really hit a nerve with me. His actions have really made me think about myself and how I conduct myself in my walk with Jesus.

What am I talking about? Well, Steve Johnson it the Buffalo Bills receiver who dropped a game winning touchdown. In the post game interview he said, "it was my fault, I dropped about 75 balls today (really only 5)."  Then a few hours later on Twitter via an Ipad he writes, "I praise You 24/7!!!!And this is how you do me!!!!You expect me to learn from this???How???!!!!Ill never forget this!!Ever!!Thx Tho..." I will not focus my attention or my comments on whether he really said or tweeted this. I will not rant on a gifted athlete who makes millions of dollars with a God given talent. What I do want to focus on is how typical it is of us Christians to give God all the praise when things are good but when the storms come how do we respond.(Here is a yahoo link so you can read the story yourself if you desire -

I find it amazing that we as God's children want to praise God for all our blessings but we have forgotten what the Scriptures say in James 1:2 My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into diverse temptations: (KJV) I also did some reading on the Apostle Paul in the book of Acts and this was what I found.  While Paul did many great things for God he also was thrown in prison several times. One account says's that Paul and Silas were praying and singing praises unto God. (Acts 16:25)  This set back led to the conversion of the Phillipian Jailer. What is really amazing is that Paul and Silas before they were put in prison they were beaten in public. Yet no, lets feel sorry for ourselves, no woe is me I am all bloody and even more,  "I have done so much for you God and this is how you treat me?" THEY PRAISED THE LIVING GOD!

I think we fail to realize as Christians we are gonna have trials, temptations and yes persecution for claiming the name of Christ. We as Christians must realize that God does his best work in us when we are going through the hardest of times. People don't pay attention to us (Christians) when we praise God when things are good. Anyone can praise God when things are good. Even the lost praise God when things are good. Do you really think that the Phillipian jailer thought oh those poor guys let me see how I can make there day better?  They must have been wrongly beaten. No, he said throw them in that cell there and make sure you lock the door. Then he heard something, what he heard was not crying, nor did he hear see what happens when you follow or praise God. No what he heard was 2 beaten thrown in jail guys praying to God. Then he heard them singing a song praising God. Now that is how God does his best work. Seeing Gods people praise God when things are at their worst.

So as I thought about this situation (Steve Johnson's tweet) I asked myself do I praise God only when it is all good? Even more do I praise God when things are not so good? I must remind myself when I go through hard times. I have to walk in the praises of God because I never know who is watching me. There is a Phillipian jailer just waiting to find Jesus and it just might be me who brings him (Phillipian jailer) to meet Jesus. God is always good whether I have a good day or a bad day. As I have said over and over again. I am not perfect, but the things I share are not directed so much at you as they are more for my benefit. I do fail God more than I can admit, but I ask for God's forgiveness and move on. I just ask that you walk with me on my Journey.  As I Stare at Lines


  1. Hi Wyldchyld,

    Thanks for your comment. No worries. Keep seeking Him and glorify Him at all times.

    Re your post, we should remember the story of Joseph in Genesis 39. First he was sold to by his brothers as a slave. In Egypt, he had some success by being in charge of all the things of his owner. Then the owner's wife tried to sleep with him and he was falsely accuse and thrown into the jail. The author remarked that despite the 'fall', the Lord is still with him (verse 21).

    Being a Christian is not about what we can do for Him. Rather it is what He had done for us.

    Take care of your injury. No worries. It is still the off season :o).

  2. Our journey with the Lord is hard. He loves us in the thick and thin. We always give thanks for the good and bad. Jesus will always be with us. When the going gets tough, the christians get going. I know you as a friend and a brother in Christ. You are truely blessed and God will always show favor with you. God Bless and keep up the good work. Lieutenant
