Monday, January 17, 2011

Learning to Swim

2 years  ago when I started this crazy life as a Triathlete I thought it would be nice to reacquaint my self with the pool. I used to swim when I was a kid and well thought I would just jump right back into it. So armed with goggles I started to a local pool. The pool was populated with Senior women. As I made a feeble attempt to swim some laps, I found out real quickly that I was not doing allot of things right. At the end of my session an old lady asked me what I was doing. I told her that I was there to train for a triathlon, and she then replied, "you don't get much swimming done, do you?" To which I was shocked, and then she said,"your never gonna make it." As she walked away I thought to myself, I just got dissed by an old lady. As I was leaving the pool, I ran into the old but wise lady again. I thought oh no here comes round 2. She looked at me and said, "just remember your basic swimming lessons, breathe in with your mouth and out your nose." and then she walked away. She was right my 1st pool session was a total disaster

As I thought about this encounter all the way home. After I got home I started thinking about what she said about swimming lessons. I then started to do some research on freestyle swimming. I watched UTUBE videos and searched out lesson plans on I started to do the plans and practice what I watched on the videos. I ran into that same mature woman again. After I completed my workout. She walked up to me and said, " I see someone learned how to swim". That I did. I, I did the research, I did the work and I found success in completing what I started to do.  That was 2 years ago. I now can swim  a mile in just a little over 30 min. Last time I tried I did it in 32 min. I have completed 10 triathlons.What I am trying to say is, I did not let someone stop me from achieving my goals.

I have thought about this very situation this week. We as Christians have struggles and problems but how many times do we go the Scriptures and seek God's advice to what we are going through. I  wonder how many times I tried to solve my problems without God's help? How many times I tried to just fake it til the next day. Or just try to find a way to forget the problem just exists. I sometimes forget that the Bible has many purpose's. God word convicts us Neh.8:9, God's word corrects Ps.17:4 & 1Jn. 1:9, God's word confirms Jn. 8:31, and God's word equips Prov. 22:2. With so many purposes you would think that I realize that it is the best hand book on Life. God gave us His word, and His Spirit. How can I fail? These are the truths that I need to lean on. So as I continue this journey of life. Please follow me as I Stare at Lines!

1 comment:

  1. I also see the basics that the lady brought to your attention as being just as applicable with our Christian walk. Everything we do still revolves around the basics, reading the Bble and prayer. Without both of those in generous portions, we will struggle to get to our real goal, getting closer every day in our walk with God.
    Steve C
