Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year Evaluations.

As I start 2011 it is time for me to start getting ready for another Triathlon season. So I will announce that the WyldTri season will end with a Team Effort race called the North Carolina Triple T. Now for the rest of my season I am not sure what is next. Due to my ankle injury I am not sure how close I should plan. I know I would like to defend 2 Age-Group wins I had last year Petersburg,IL (April) and Canton,IL (August). Also I would love to do TriShark, Hudson,IL. as this is another race that has eluded me as well. I would also like to do a Race in Quincy,IL called Tri for Jesus. (I just like the name of the race). I also want to do a 1/2 Ironman or 1/2 Marathon as well.

So with that in mind I have broken out my calculator and evaluated my (2010) season in my age-group event by event. I took each race and found my percentage of finish in each event for my age-group. then gave it a value. Then I took all of  my race events added the value then divided them by the number of events I did which was 6 this year. Then compared all my averages to see which events need the most work. This year I was pretty even across the board. except for my transitions were just a tad low. So I will continue to work on my run again this year as I did last year. I really noticed when I worked on my run my cycling times came down as well. So I now have a plan and a goal  now all I have to do is find my races.

As I was doing this I began thinking about my walk with God. I wondered if I had to give values on some of the different aspects of the Christian life how would I measure up? What would I need to work on? What is it that I am lacking in my walk with Jesus? Although I will never measure up to God's standards which is why Jesus died for my sins. I think we can safely say that there are things we can and should do for the Glory of God. I know all the basics I need to pray more, read more, and tell others about Jesus more, but is there more to this Christian Journey thing that I am not seeing? Is there something that he wants me to do? Or is there something I am doing and I just don't know it yet? I guess what I am trying to say is, Yes, I need to pray, read and do more for Him. I just think what I really need to work on is seeking Him. Like the wise men who sought to find "Jesus King of the Jew" I really need and want to seek Him. I want to find His perfect will for my life. I want to know what he wants me to do and not just think I know.

So as I seek to find my stride in my triathlon life. I also have a larger purpose in life to know what God has for me. I am excited an scared all at the same time. I know that what ever it is, it will be life changing. So if you at least a bit curious then continue to follow me as I Stare at Lines.

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