Monday, March 14, 2011

More Thoughts on Heart-Rate Running

Since the weather has been warming up and I am tired of running on the treadmill already. I thought I would start running outside. I love being outside but what I noticed is that the area I live in is quite hilly. Because of these two factors I quickly learned 2 facts about heart-rate running that I did not realize. First, I learned that my perceived running on a treadmill and my perceived running pace outside are not the same. While running at a comfortable pace outside I soon learned I was actually running faster then I had planned on running causing my heart-rate to shoot up. The other thing I learned is that when running up hills my heart-rate shot up but running down hill my heart-rate slowed down. These 3 elements, (perceived running pace, up hill and down hill) have caused me to look at thing a little different. When I run at a pace that averages what I run in zone 2 I find out that I can run farther at a slower pace then when I go all out. When I go all out I seem to get tired and I cannot hold the pace as long. What I must remember about running up hill is that I am going eventually go down hill and my heart-rate will slow down.

What I think is ironic is this is how my Christian life goes as well. If I go at my own pace and not at God's pace it seems like whatever it is I am doing dies out real fast. But if I go at God's pace and in God's time I seem to be able to just about do anything as long as He needs me to do it. I also have noticed that when I am going up hill in my walk with Him. It seems like the top of the hill is not in sight, but that is when I need Him the most to get me to the top. Then when my life is going down hill I find myself coasting and reminding myself to enjoy this because I have earned it and now know the lesson I have learned from the climb.

So I guess what I am learning is that while I am training I must stay focused on my proper heart-rate zones and I will eventually get faster in due time and the Hills will make me stronger. Also in my Christian walk I must always keep my eyes fixed on Him and go at life in His pace not mine. Maybe my line in my walk is not my will Lord but Yours be done. Additionally, I really need to appreciate the mountains in my life for when they are done I seem to enjoy the climb more than the decent. This line might be called, "count it all Joy when you fall into diverse trials". So until next time follow me as I keep Staring at Lines.

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