Simon Peter said to them, "I am going fishing". They said to him, "We are going with you also." They went out and immediately got into the boat, and that night they caught nothing. Jn. 21:3
He said to him the third time, "Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me?" Peter was grieved because He said to Him the third time, "Do you love Me?" And he said to Him "Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You." Jesus said unto him, "Feed My sheep." Jn. 3:17
During one of my recent morning devotions I read John 21. What was odd is I never really had a scripture grab me like this one did. I have never thought about Peter deciding to re-start his fishing business. I have always looked at is as Peter was just wanted to pass the time and do a little fishing like you and I. I really do not know why I have thought that but I did. The fact that he boarded a boat with some of the Apostles and fished with nets all night makes me now believe he was re-starting the family business. As I went through the day the phrase kept running through my head, "Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me more than these?" The phrase, "love Me more than these?" just rang in my head all day. As I thought about, the more I came to realize it wasn't Peter, Jesus was talking to this day. It was me!!! While in the Scripture He (Jesus) was in fact talking to Peter, today Jesus was talking to me.
Before you think I am some kind of nut job, let me explain. Last week I was feeling a little down and frustrated with all my injuries and illness. I have not really been training like I was before I sprained my ankle in November. I was just starting to get my training up to speed then my chronic Bronchitis came back real hard. I am still trying to recover. So while in a self imposed pity party it was Jesus saying to me,"Ric do you love Me more than racing/training?" I am not sure why He had put these verses in my mind and heart, but I do know He spoke and I have listened. I have been evaluating what I love. I ask myself if I love this more that Jesus.
I am finding myself Loving Jesus more and other things less. I still love and long to train but it doesn't seem to be my top priority anymore. I find myself wanting to read my Bible and pray first then what time is left then I train. Training and Racing are starting to be secondary to what I am doing for Him. So I pray that you will, pray for me while I follow the true line of Faith and life. So as I Stare at Lines I hope my journey will be one that Honors and Glorifies God.
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